How To Dispose Of Old Plastic Gas Cans

Key Points

  • It’s amazing how many people don’t realize the dangers of gasoline
  • Storing an empty gas can in hot temperatures could cause the gas to expand and explode
  • You should never keep an empty gas can in your vehicle because of fumes
  • You might be surprised to learn that empty gas cans cannot be thrown in the trash because of fumes
  • Recycle old gas cans with a household hazardous waste drop-off site near you

An old gas can is a great way for large storage of gasoline, especially if you’re not good at remembering how much fuel you have left in the tank. However, once your container isn’t needed anymore or starts getting dirty and smelly, you need to get rid of it.

Some people keep their empty containers and refill them with gas, but let’s face it: if you don’t use your container often enough to make the refilling worth it, there are definitely better uses for your valuable storage space in your garage.

The old plastic gas cans that you used to use for your car are no longer allowed. The best way to dispose of them is by taking them to a recycling center or just throwing them away with the regular garbage.

That might seem like an easy thing to do, but if you don’t know where they can be taken, it’s not so easy anymore. When I googled “Where do I take my old gas can?” all I found were places that charge money! Luckily for us, there was one place in particular that doesn’t charge anything at all and will recycle the container free of charge!

How To Dispose Of Old Plastic Gas Cans

Gladly, there are several ways to dispose of a gas can. The following tips on how to dispose of old plastic gasoline cans will help you on your way:

1. Recycle Your Container

Most places where you would buy a new container have recycling programs for old, empty containers as well as tires and other materials related to transportation. Check with your local store to see if they will accept your empty gas can and recycle it for you.

2. Leave It With The Gas Station When You Buy A New One

When you buy a new container, many gas stations will give you the empty one from your car when you return to get a full or partially filled new container. This will help them recycle the container and will save you a trip to the store asking for a new one.

3. Call Your Local Recycling/Disposal Company

In many places, old gas containers are considered hazardous material and must be disposed of according to strict guidelines set in place by your local government. These laws may vary depending on where you live, so check with your city for more information.

In any case, you may have to do a bit of digging in the phone book or online to find out who handles hazardous waste disposal in your area. You can also search for local recycling centers near you and ask them if they’ll accept used gas cans from people instead of throwing them away.

4. Sell It To A Recycling Company

There are recycling companies out there that will buy your used plastic gas cans from you and recycle them for the raw materials later on. They may not pay a lot, but it’s better than nothing and it’s a great way to make a few more bucks for your empty containers.

5. Use It As A Watering Can Or Storage Container

If you don’t have any use for your old gas can as a container to store gasoline, try using it as a watering can or as storage. You may just be able to squeeze some more use out of your old container if you put your mind to it!

That’s it! These are the top three easy ways to dispose of old gas cans. By following these tips on how to get rid of an empty gasoline container, your garage will be less cluttered and your home will smell better.

Are Empty Gas Cans Dangerous?

Not only is an empty gas can dangerous to keep in your vehicle because of fumes, but if not emptied all the way it could explode. This would likely cause injury or death for those who are inside when something goes wrong! You should never keep a gas can that has any fuel left in it.

An empty gas can is dangerous if not disposed of properly. Storing an empty gas can in hot temperatures (such as a garage) could cause the gas to expand and explode! You should never keep an empty gas can in your vehicle because of fumes.

What Plastic Can Hold Gasoline?

It’s amazing how many people don’t realize the dangers of gasoline. If you’ve ever been near an open flame, then chances are good that your clothes were singed and/or burnt at some point too!

Why is this?

Because flames can be much more than just hot: they also release toxic gases which may cause injury or death if inhaled during proximity with them.

Even worse than those burns would have been what happened to me when I was younger because my friend lit a match next to our picnic table. This happened to realize there wasn’t enough breeze for outsiders looking on television tapes today think about how easy it is to do what they see on those cell phone videos and go home without doing anything.

There are several different types of plastic that can safely hold gasoline for short periods of time, and nearly all of them will begin to deteriorate if exposed to gasoline over the course of several months.

high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastics such as PVC and rubber derivatives such as neoprene is resistant to gasoline but will deteriorate faster than some other types if they’re continuously exposed to it. A few plastics can hold gasoline for a year or more before deterioration sets in, but they exist only in specialized applications because the cost of making them is prohibitive.

Plastic gasoline cans are made of several different types of plastic, all for specific purposes that allow them to hold gasoline safely. The user should choose a can that is appropriate for the expected duration of storage before it’s filled with gasoline. Empty cans can be stored indefinitely without deterioration.

How Long Do Plastic Gas Cans Last?

A plastic gas can will last about 3-5 months in a sealed container, or 6 – 8 months without the addition of any stabilizer. It is recommended that you do not store them for more than 1 year at most due to chemicals leaching from their surfaces over time and causing contamination on other items stored nearby.

Can Plastic Gas Cans Be Recycled?

Recycle old gas cans with a household hazardous waste drop-off site near you. You might be surprised to learn that gas cans cannot be recycled in your trash can due to lingering fumes.

In order for your recycling bin, it’s best not only if you have an empty one ready but also from all other hazards present in a transfer station environment like open fires or booths where solvent-based products are stored during processing.

If you recycle plastic gas cans, they must be empty and there can’t be any fumes present.

Can Gas Cans Be Trashed?

You might be surprised to learn that empty gas cans cannot be thrown in the trash because of fumes. In order for your trash bin, it’s best not only if you have an empty one ready but also from all other hazards present in a transfer station environment like open fires or booths where solvent-based products are stored during processing.

How Do You Dispose Of Gas Containers?

Empty gas cans cannot be thrown in the trash because of fumes. There are two options for disposing of old gas cans: pay to recycle them or deliver them yourself to a local recycling facility.

An additional option is to ask if your city has an “open dump” site that you can take them to. Household hazardous waste drop-off sites have been around for years and may

FAQs – Dispose Of Old Plastic Gas Cans

1. Is 5-Year-Old Gas Still Good?

No! Gas lasts months, maybe even a year if it is sealed completely. You might want to try freshened up with new fuel before you throw out your old can. The mixture will be lower on combustibility, so there’s the chance of engine sputtering or non-starting but it could still work if combined properly

A gas can is just like any other container that holds liquid – when one reaches its expiration date, it should either be recycled according to local laws and guidelines or disposed of in an appropriate manner at home.

Regardless of what happens though; whether this leads them to be usable again after being refurbished through combining both fresh types of gasoline into existing contents (useful).

2. How Can You Tell If Gas Is Bad?

If your car is having trouble starting, idling, or accelerating on gas then it might have a bad tank. A dirty fuel filter can also cause the problem so keep that in mind if you’re noticing black smoke coming from underneath when this occurs with rough idling too!

If there are times where everything seems normal but still fails to start after turn- over don’t worry yet because sometimes these issues show themselves right away while other cases come later down road course of using up all available fuel before finally succumbing to whatever’s causing their sluggishness – whether its nozzle clogged inside connector line fragile fractures spiderweb cracks or otherwise.

If the vehicle tends to sputter or downshift/lose power (like lack o’ power) often especially during summertime, there might be issues with fuel injectors too. To check this out; take off the gas cap and touch the nozzle tip to metal. It should emit a generous electrical spark like zap! If it does, then your fuel is still good.

If not, you can easily revive it with a new gas or save yourself the trouble by getting rid of that old gas container.

3. How Long Does It Take For Gas To Evaporate?

Gas will take a couple of days to evaporate. If you leave it in an open bucket a couple of gallons should evaporate within a day or possibly longer depending on the weather.

Cooler temperatures will slow gas from evaporating. Leave it in the shade in warm weather and keep the gas away from pets, open flames, and other potential safety hazards around your property.

4. Can I Mix New Gas With Old Gas?

When it comes to old gas, many experts agree that while the potency may have diminished over time and usage so too can your vehicle move on from this. However, some say you should always be careful about diluting new fuel with any leftover older types in order to avoid dangerous engine problems like brownouts or knockdowns (which would lead one’s car not to start).

So to play it safe: always have fresh gas around for the sake of your engine. If you do however choose for a combination of both, try adding in 25% new fuel with 75% older to see if this helps.

5. Can Gas Cans Be Returned For A Refund?

If you purchase gasoline from a station or any other retailer that offers gas for sale, then yes; You can certainly return your empty container for a refund. This comes in handy if you’re the type of person to depend on one car with limited storage space since these products are costly.

Especially when it comes to bigger vehicles like SUVs or trucks which might require more gallons too for longer trips. The larger the size of your wager, the more savings you’ll be able to see with this return and refund program.

6. Can You Refresh Old Gas?

The gasoline might have started the process of separation and maybe at this level fuel additives help for restoration. People expect some miracles to happen before trying any such thing, but nothing can bring back an old gas into its homogeneous condition any more than you could manufacture more time or money

One would think that with all these products on the market now people will find what works best in their vehicle thanks to marketing campaigns telling them which one is right for them.

However, if we were honest here- no matter how much advertising goes down claiming otherwise there’s never going t be a way to make old gas good as new again. So if you’ve got gasoline containers lying around, consider recycling them!

By doing so you’ll not only be saving money by reducing your need for buying extra fuel but you’ll also be on the right side of the environment too.

7. Is Gasoline Still Flammable After It Dries?

Pure gasoline evaporates completely from an impermeable surface, leaving nothing behind to burn.


In general, even a permeable surface that has had time to “dry” will be effectively no more flammable than it was before the gas got on there. This breaks down a bit when it comes to porous surfaces that may take longer for the gas in question to evaporate from.

But in general, gasoline becomes no more flammable when it does dry out on a surface.

8. Can Old Gas Ruin An Engine?

You might think that old gasoline will just make your engine run inefficiently or fail to fire at all, but it’s actually safe to use. Some people even dilute their leftover gas with fresh (and trustworthy) liquid for extra performance!

However, there are some cases where the rust particles show up in an otherwise clean-looking canister–so watch out if you see these signs: rusty-looking material, small specks of rust, thicker consistency.

Although it’s rare, old gasoline can still clog your carburetor and leave residue behind which might lead to engine problems like brownouts or knockdowns (which would ultimately mean your car not starting).

9. What’s Better Plastic Or Metal Gas Cans?

The most important difference is in their durability. Metal cans are much more durable but also heavier than plastic models with the advantage of being able to hold up against tough conditions for years on end thanks to metal’s greater robustness and longevity.

Plastic has its perks though; they’re lighter which makes them easier transportable – not having an extra burden weighing you down while hiking or camping among nature.

However, this comes at a cost as it reduces overall lifespan due to weight reduction since plastics don’t withstand wear quite so well over time compared with metals

Metal cans are best when it comes to durability, but they also make them more costly – which makes plastic an obvious choice for those with a tight budget.

10. Is It Safe To Drive With Gas Cans In Trunk?

For safety purposes, never drive with an empty or full gas can in your vehicle. You will be exposed to fumes and it is a potential fire hazard! Keep your gas cans in the garage or at home until you are finished refilling/emptying them.

11. Can Plastic Gas Cans Explode In The Sun?

This is extremely dangerous to leave a gasoline can in the trunk! If you do, and it gets hot from being out in sun all day or during summer where there are more hours of daylight than night time-vapors inside will expand due to increasing pressure.

That could cause an explosion so make sure your spare tire isn’t near any potentially explosive devices before popping one open.

12. Why Does My Plastic Gas Can Collapse?

The gas inside your gas can could get cold. This decrease in temperature will cause a decrease in pressure and volume relative to outside. This is basic physics. An example of this is when you have a full spray can and you empty almost the whole thing, the can starts to get cold.

It is the same idea, when you decrease the pressure (releasing the contents of a full spray can), you will decrease its temperature. The same thing happens in reverse as well.

13. Can You Put A Gas Can In A Plastic Bag?

No, don’t keep a plastic gas can in a plastic bag. This is not a smart idea. Only put fuel in approved containers—not plastic bags, buckets and definitely not anything like that could open or disintegrate. Keep all gas containers tightly closed, even if they are empty.

Main Takeaways – Disposing Of Old Plastic Gas Cans

Disposing of old gas cans is a big responsibility. You can’t just throw them in the trash or leave them on your front porch because they could leak and cause an awful fire for you, your family, and anyone living nearby. When it comes to disposing of old plastic gas cans, there are a few options that can help ensure you’re doing all you can to be safe.

It’s not only illegal to dump them, but it also poses a serious environmental threat if they escape into our waterways and wildlife habitats. There are plenty of ways to get rid of your old gas can with minimal effort on your part.

Don’t let this problem be one that constantly nags at the back of your mind when you’re trying to enjoy life outside with friends or family members. Instead, take care of business now so that next time you need a new fuel container for whatever reason, all you have to do is head out and pick up something from the store without worry about what comes after disposal!

Thanks for reading and use clean gas


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